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How Chefs Grill Chicken To Perfection For Ultimate Flavor?

How Chefs Grill Chicken To Perfection For Ultimate Flavor?

Ever wonder how chefs bring taste and texture perfection to various chicken dishes? Well, it is not an easy task that they follow to meet the expectations of the tastes of different customers.

You can pick the dish of your choice from the restaurant menu and your taste buds will be tantalized by the taste perfection. 

Non-veg food chefs at the best Indian restaurant Calgary follow a unique process of cooking chicken pieces so that they do not lose their natural taste and entice every palate with the enhanced taste achieved after cooking.

So, keep reading to know how chefs make chicken dishes perfect in taste.


First, they handle each cut of chicken with perfection.

Whether it is a boneless breast, split breast, whole chicken or wings they cut these parts of the chicken into halves and remove the moisture. 

They brush it with olive oil. Later they coat it with flour, seasoning, spices and cook until perfection in taste is achieved.

Let’s understand the process in depth.

1. They gather fresh chicken supplies

Before cutting the whole chicken, chefs consider the dish they want to cook and decide on spicy herbs and veggies to blend with. To achieve the best taste, they gather the soft and fresh chicken, cut it into pieces and give it a good poultry rub. They later dip these pieces into a marinated material or brush it with olive oil, lemon juice or barbecue sauce.

2. They Prepare the pieces for the grill

To serve the best taste to customers chefs grill chicken pieces to offer the best taste. They look for a large clump of fat on the pieces and trim it off with knives for easy grilling. 

They reduce the fat as it reduces the risk of charring and makes the pieces eye-soothing and craving when served.

3. Without seasoning they know they can’t amaze their customers

Before beginning their grilling process non-veg dishes chefs apply a poultry rub to enhance the flavour of every bite. The secret behind this technique is to serve crispy chicken and to offer the best flavour. 

They do rub as much as they can because they know with this technique the skin will keep the flavour out. Not only is poultry rub the only technique they follow, but there are also various others such as brushing it with barbecue sauces combined with ingredients such as black pepper, salt, ginger, cumin and others.

4. They heat the grill or clay oven with charcoal

Before even heating the oven or grill, the chef cleans it thoroughly and checks if there is old food residue or debris on the surface where chicken pieces need to be placed for heating.

They flare up the charcoal pieces and wait for a few minutes until the required heating level of the grill is achieved. Chefs pierce the larger pieces in front and the smaller pieces in the back of the skewer because they know large pieces take time to cook and thus need high heat.

5. Putting the skewer loaded with chicken pieces into the oven

Once the grill or oven reaches the required temperature chefs place the chicken piece on the grill or insert the skewered piece into the oven. They kept on shifting the pieces up and down so that they didn’t get burned up. 

They cook it with precaution and deal with flare-ups. The slow cooking process followed by them helps in converting each piece into juice and perfectly charred. When the chicken is nearly done they brush it up with barbeque sauces giving each piece a thick and sticky coating enhanced with flavours.

Final Words!

So, this weekend enjoy the spicy zest of grilled chicken at the best Indian restaurant Calgary. Chefs at these restaurants serve these dishes plated with lemon pieces, coriander leaves and mint sauces. You can pair the chicken dishes with flatbreads such as Naan, Paratha and others.